Singapore Dominates, These are the Top 20 Universities in ASEAN in 2024

Singapore Dominates, These are the Top 20 Universities in ASEAN in 2024.-Photo: Canva-

    World Rank: 752

17. Prince of Songkla University

    World Rank: 777

18. Brawijaya University

    World Rank: 780

19. Singapore University of Technology and Design

    World Rank: 789

20. Singapore Management University

    World Rank: 798

BACA JUGA:Terbaru, Inilah Senarai 10 Universiti Terbaik Malaysia Tahun 2024

BACA JUGA:Top 5 Program Pengajian Kolej Paling Diminati di Malaysia

This ranking provides a clear view of the achievements and reputation of universities in Southeast Asia. It also provides valuable information for students and researchers who are looking for the best educational institutions to pursue their studies.

Thus, the Webometrics 2024 ranking is not only an important source of information, but also a stepping stone for better educational development in the future.

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