Here are 10 College Majors that AI Won't Replace in the Future

Inilah 15 Jurusan Kuliah yang Bakal Digantikan AI di Masa Depan-Foto: Freepik-
SUMATERAEKSPRES - The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology now presents new challenges for job seekers in the future.
Currently, many jobs requiring intellectual skills can be performed by AI. One example is ChatGPT, an AI tool developed by OpenAI, which can generate various types of text, including popular articles, fiction stories, research analyses, and multimedia content ideas.
The New York Times reported that Google is testing an AI tool designed to replace journalists in writing news.
This tool, referred to as a journalist assistant, has been introduced to executives at The New York Times, The Washington Post, and News Corp, the owner of The Wall Street Journal.
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Additionally, various other AI tools can generate images, audio, video, transcripts, data analysis, bookkeeping, 3D models, and much more.
The progress of AI poses a threat to some university graduates who must compete with increasingly advanced and cost-efficient machines. Here are 10 job fields that are starting to be replaced by AI:
1. Accounting : Tasks such as transaction recording and financial report preparation can now be automated using tools like Vic AI, Indy, Docyt, Booke AI, and Truewind.
2. Marketing: Data analysis and digital marketing can be performed by AI, reducing the need for human workers in some marketing aspects. Tools used include ChatGPT, Albert AI, Zapier, Userbit AI, and MarketingBlocks AI.
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3. Language AI can now perform automatic translation and language communication, reducing the need for human workers in some editorial aspects. Tools used include ChatGPT, Copy AI, Google Translate, Bing, Perplexity, DeepL, Wordly, and Grammarly.
4. Engineering