7 Oleh-Oleh Khas Palembang yang Dijamin Menggoyang Lidah, Nomor 2 Kuliner Paling Legend

Jumat 07 Jun 2024 - 18:07 WIB
Reporter : Nyimas Nandita Noeresha Aryan
Editor : Rian Sumeks

These make great souvenirs to take home as well.

Here are some recommended Palembang souvenirs besides pempek:

7 Palembang Souvenirs Besides Pempek

1. Kemplang

Palembang is famous for its fish-based foods, one of which is kemplang. This crispy cracker made from fish is perfect as a snack or a side dish. Its savory taste and slightly coarse texture make kemplang a favorite for many.

2. Gulo Puan

Gulo puan, meaning "milk sugar," is made from buffalo milk and sugar. This treat has a sandy texture and a rich sweetness. Historically, it was a snack for the nobles of the Palembang Sultanate.

Nowadays, gulo puan is used as a bread spread or a snack, and its price is relatively high due to the rarity of buffalo milk.

BACA JUGA:5 Tempat Makan Pempek Terenak di Kota Palembang, Lezatnya Nagih!

BACA JUGA:Lezatnya Yummy Nyaingin Pempek! Cara Membuat Kuah Laksan Susu Khas Palembang Ini Wajib Dicobain Moms

3. Engkak Ketan

Engkak ketan is a sticky rice cake made from glutinous rice and duck eggs, similar to layer cake. Its sweet taste and long shelf life make it an excellent gift for family or friends, and it's perfect for breakfast with hot tea.

4. Otak-Otak Palembang

Otak-otak Palembang is made from fish meat wrapped in banana leaves and grilled, giving it a distinctive flavor.

Though it shares the same main ingredient as pempek, the different preparation method makes otak-otak an appealing alternative souvenir.

5. Lempok Durian

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