Mengejutkan! Ternyata, Ada Laut di Palembang, Berikut Penampakan Bocah Berenang 'Santuy' di sana

Anak-anak mandi di Laut Sungai Musi Kota Palembang.-Foto: Evan Zumarli/

Secara administratif, DAS Musi mencakup wilayah di empat provinsi: Sumatera Selatan, Bengkulu, Jambi, dan Lampung. Di Sumatera Selatan, seluruh 17 kabupaten/kota termasuk dalam DAS Musi.

Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai

DAS Musi dikelola oleh BPDASHL Musi. Di Provinsi Bengkulu, DAS Musi mencakup Kabupaten Rejang Lebong dan Kabupaten Kepahiang.

Di Provinsi Jambi, DAS ini mencakup Kabupaten Sarolangun, Tanjung Jabung Timur, Batanghari, dan Muaro Jambi.

Sementara di Provinsi Lampung, DAS Musi mencakup Kabupaten Lampung Barat dan Way Kanan. DAS Musi berbatasan dengan DAS Ketahun di barat dan DAS Batanghari di utara.

Anak-anak mandi di Laut Sungai Musi Kota Palembang.-Foto: Evan Zumarli/

English Version -------

“I want to go to the sea” said Putra, a boy from Palembang. The sea? Yes, it turns out that there is a sea in Palembang that is not yet known to many people, including residents in the South Sumatra region. 

Eitt... don't get confused first! Because what is meant by the sea in Palembang is the Musi River, which is often called the sea by local residents. 

A moment later, Putra ran a little while carrying a towel and a bucket filled with toiletries, “I want to take a bath there!” said Putra. 

At that time, the 'Sea in Palembang' was calm. The weather was sunny. Many children and some residents were bathing.

It's a bit strange indeed, if you look at the form, it's clear that the Musi River is a river.

But not only Putra, the majority of Palembang residents also call the Musi River the sea.

So, why is the Musi River called the Sea? Let's see what causes it?

The reason why the Musi River is called the sea in Palembang

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