Top 10 College Majors with High Job Prospects in 2024, Are You Included?

Jumat 08 Mar 2024 - 04:45 WIB
Reporter : Alfery
Editor : Alfery

SUMATERAEKSPRES.ID - Choosing a college major is a crucial decision that can impact future job opportunities. Although there are no absolute guarantees, some majors indeed have better job prospects than others.

Here are 10 college majors with high job prospects and considered easy to find employment in 2024:

1. Accounting

The need for accountants is always present in various types of companies, both large and small. Accounting and financial skills are always needed in financial recording and reporting.

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2. Islamic Finance Management

With the development of the Islamic finance industry in Indonesia, the demand for experts in this field is increasing. Graduates of this major can work in various Islamic financial institutions.

3. Industrial Engineering

This major offers high job flexibility, as graduates can work in various fields such as manufacturing, logistics, and consulting.

4. Business Management

This major is suitable for those who aspire to become entrepreneurs. Business management graduates can work in various fields such as marketing, HRD, and finance.

5. Information Systems

This major focuses on studying information systems and computer technology. Graduates can work as programmers, system analysts, and IT consultants.

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6. Medical Education

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